Job Summary
TFCG receives funds from multiple donors for the implementation of activities that contribute to achieving the organisation’s mission.
Job Description
1. Introduction The mission of the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) is, ‘to conserve and restore thebiodiversity of globally important forests in Tanzania for the benefit of the present and future generations.’
TFCG is a National NGO (NGO Registration No. 1760). TFCG receives funds from multiple donors for the implementation of activities that contribute to achieving the organisation’s mission.
The position described in this job description is for the Agricultural Officer of the project: ‘Water, forests andlivelihoods: integrated water, forest and land resources management and climate change resilience in the Udzungwa Mountains.’The position is financed by US AID through the Water Resources IntegrationDevelopment Initiative (WARIDI).
The overall aim of the project is: to enhance water and food security and climate change resilience throughthe sustainable management of forest and water ecosystem services in the Udzungwa Mountains
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